Gender and Inequality In Workplaces

We have undoubtedly come a long way as pertains to the issue of gender and inequality at the workplace. In the last six decades, we have had a series of social, economic, technological and cultural changes that have resulted into the transformation of work roles of both men and women. In the 1950’s most women were homemakers-a small percentage of women had jobs outside their homes. By the year 2000, the percentage had increased, and a quarter of women had jobs. In the 1950’s, the percentage of women who were employed worked in a handful of occupations that were perceived to be female occupation. However, by millennium, women were spread over a larger number of occupations. In spite of the progress, inequality remains large. Even in the 21st century, men easily get better paid employment and are paid handsomely in comparison to their female counterparts.

Moreover, in the three dimensions- ability to get jobs outside the home, the type of jobs that women and men do, and the salaries they receive, the change has been so slow. This paper talks about how gender inequity in the workplace has changed over time in the three dimensions.

Labour force participation

There has been a notable increase in the participation of women in the labour market over the last five decades. The problem now is not whether a woman will be employed, but when in her lifetime will she work. Nowadays, most women in various educational levels, different racial groups and in different family statuses work. Labour involvement of women is the key indicator of the changes of women statuses. Since 1800’s, jobs outside the homestead have been identified as the core indicator of a woman’s stand in the society. The number of women that are involved in the labour market has increased over time and currently more women have paid employment.

Occupational segregation

Though women are nowadays actively involved in paying employment just like men, the two categories do diverse types of jobs. The differences in jobs that women do compared to men has persisted but has reduced in the last five decades. For instance, forty years ago, the thought of a woman becoming a mechanic, doctor or even a bus driver in equal proportion to men was naïve. Nevertheless, over time this has happened. Accordingly, just like participation of women in the labour market, a gap in the kind of jobs that they do still hold.

Earnings or salaries

The changes in the participation of women in paid employment and occupational segregation are noticeable. More women are working nowadays and in a wider variation of jobs. However, women are still earning less salary compared to their male counterparts.


Gender inequality in the workforce is still majorly evident. While 90% of men are employed, only two thirds of women are in paid employment. Consequently, women continue to earn less salary than their male counterparts do.

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